

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Bundling Things Together Becomes Easier with Packaging Materials

Have you been to a grocery store and noticed how different things are packed there, for example things in a combo offer are shrink wrapped together, and those things available in boxes are strapped together. Have you ever wondered how they would be packaging all these things and how much time they would be spending for this? There is no doubt that packaging materials are of different types and to make the job easier we have shrink wrap and strapping machines available.

If you are aware of lamination then it should be easy for you to understand shrink wrap. It is similar to lamination with the only difference that the material used is different and the process can be used to combine different things in a single package. They use shrink films and heat for the purpose and come in different varieties depending on the type of heat they use and the way they can be used like hand held shrink wrap machines etc. Among all the different varieties available portable shrink wrap is widely used for it is compact, lightweight and easy to use.

Strapping machines are huge as compared to shrink wrap machines though they are also used to bundle up things they do it differently using plastic or metal string which is tightly fastened around the products. The band is so fastened that the product cannot move during transit. Unlike shrink wrap machines, you need some training to be able to handle strapping machines.

Packaging materials like shrink wrap and strapping machines have really made it easy to pack things together and transit them without worrying about them falling apart.

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